Thursday, December 17, 2009


The Monkeysphere

The Monkeysphere, otherwise known as Dunbar's number, is an absolutely brilliant theory of sociology, government, philosophy, and human nature. Fundamentally, the theory is based off a study of the social organization of monkeys; how they organize and how they govern themselves.

Due to the size of a monkey's brain, most great apes and chimpanzees develop tribe-like family units, living together in communities. Thus, they are capable of forming attachments, relationships, and connections with a maximum number of about 50 other primates. Any more is too much, and so groups and communities are never more than 50 members. Any other primate they come into contact with would be seen as a stranger and not part of the group, and thus those monkeys cannot identify, relate, or empathize with any other monkey outside of their sphere of community.

So that is why you might have monkeys living together harmoniously within a group, while waging war and fighting for food, resources, etc with any other monkey not in their sphere of community.

Scientists at Yale University conducted a study similar to Dunbar's number, however, with a different species of primate. The study concluded that humans, being 98% genetically similar to a chimpanzee, have a similar limit and capacity to their group sizes and communities. That number, dunbar's number, is 150.

Humans are naturally social creatures and this academically accepted theory has found that most humans have approximately only 150 other humans that they can have relationships with. And in those communities, humans live harmoniously. So is this the reason one human can kill another, commit acts of cruelty, and thrust middle fingers at each other while driving? Because they cannot relate to them, think of them as friends and family?

And is this why great peacemakers and leaders like Jesus, Ghandi, Schweitzer, and M.L. King can "love thy neighbor"? Because they have extended their monkeyspheres to all of humanity?
Please check out this enlightening article for those answers and a better explanation on this info:

as well as wikis official writeup:'s_number

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Outsiders

Recently, I discovered an amazing article. Its one of those quick reads that bounces around in your head for hours afterward. Inevitably, it sticks in your mind long enough and simply becomes a part of you. Alright, maybe its not that good, but it surely is a spectacular article.

It discusses William James Sidis, possibly the smartest man who has ever lived.

Have you ever heard of Sidis before? I surely hadn't. In this short article you can discover the reason why. Further, think of the word 'intelligence'. What comes to mind? In all likelihood, one of your associations was Einstein. Well, what about Sidis?

Thus, I beg of you, take the unforgiving minute to read this great article here.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Emperor of the Internet

Government Authorities are now proposing a security/police censoring control over the internet. Due to the amount of viral content, malware, phising, and other threats, many people now propose an "Emperor of the Internet".

Personally, I don't know what to think- there are definitely some freedom of speech rites being violated if this Emperor were to come to power and seize the throne. However, having a censor over malign content on the internet would be helpful. Nvertheless, this hypothetical emperor would be in control over the internet! The bloody internet!

Does any security force have the right to control the international internet? I'm really quite confounded by the idea of an "Emperor of the Internet". What do you think? So is it a yes(all hail the emperor), and a positive influence at that- or a no, its the end of the world as we know it?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Malthusian Catastrophe

As I so wisely stated a couple hundred years ago, "The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man." What I've been saying for all these years is that inevitably, population will continue to grow and shall exceed the ability of the earth to provide for humanity. While our population exponentially grows, the earth's resources stays a fixed amount.

Yep, you guessed it, were screwed. I've only been trying to tell you for 200 years now! However, with modern science being as modern science is, I've begun to postulate new theories in addition to my original, "Were all gonna' die in a Malthusian Catastrophe" idea. Maybe we got more time than I originally thought. Nevertheless, my catastrophes are pretty dangerous and we should work to avoid the disaster in which our population halves itself a few times and returns to subsistence-level conditions.

Since my publications of my treatise, The Principle of Population (Which is an absolutely fabulous read) in 1826, I still maintain that a famine, great war, or epidemic is on humanity's horizon. Its just a matter of time! However, many believe we are capable of changing that course with new developments in science. With the institution of population growth laws such as a limit on the amount of children, it seems possible to prevent the impending Malthusian Catastrophe.

No matter what the future holds for us insignificant humans, my ephemerides (astrological charts which provide the positions of the heavenly bodies at a given time) will give you wonders to wander. So before the power of population is greater than the earths ability to provide for humanity, read about the world! And only if we work together and use our knowledge can we guarantee the immortality of humanity.

Germaphobe's Sanatorium

The Germaphobe. Do you know this guy? Well, I do. A friend of mine is a constantly mortified germaphobe. Often, I listen to his complaints as he is shell shocked by the amount of dangerous and dastardly germs that are out to get him when he's in a public place. Nevertheless, my friend and Adrian Monk bring up good points (You should consider watching, "Monk" the tv show for some hilariously brilliant obsessive compulsive germaphobe detective-crime-mystery action).

There are things that almost turn me into a spasmatic germaphobe too. For instance, a public bathroom in the cities of major population centers like San Francisco in "Monk". When in el bano, do you touch all the doors, the stalls, the toilets, the sinks? NO! They're gross and crawling with STD's, cancer, heartattacks, malaria, and the black death/bubonic plague. Ok, just kidding, but everything within a commonly used public restroom can be rather disgusting and bacteria-covered. For all the germaphobes and semi-germaphobes out there, your not alone. Its ok to be disgusted by things like this- it's probably an evolutionary adaptation. But random evolutionary theories aside, I think Monk is right. What about you?

Either way, beware the public restroom! I think the surgeon general should put up a warning to "all ye who enter here" into el bano. However, the avoidance of germs and sicknesses has proven to lower the ability of the immune system. Without getting sick with the Rhino Virus (common cold) every now and then, our immune system weakens. And when that disease strikes again, it'll really be like the black death to your body. Thus, humans need to get sick once in a while to keep up the strength of their immune system.

Ending on a heavier note, bacteria and diseases have become more and more powerful throughout the years. These simple little life forms have been adapting to our medicine cabinet. Biologists predict that within 50 years, penicillin and other common anti-bacterial wonder drugs will be obsolete. We will be back in the dark ages and into a time where the infection of a cut means death! So all ye beware!

John Locke

On the fateful fay of August 29, 1632, John Locke was born. Raised into a life of education, Locke became a scholar and philosopher. He became the author of many writings and philosophical works, influencing the world's thinkers to this day. One of his prominent ideals was that man is born with a blank slate, a "tabula rasa" lacking innate ideals. His argument contributed to the environment side of the nature vrs. nurture debate, maintaining that man's personality, behavior, and intelligence are determined by the social environment he lives in. Locke's tabula rasa thesis postulated that man is born neither good nor evil, devoid of kind or mean tendencies. Do you think that Locke was right? That humans are born with that blank slate and we are determined by the world we live in? Or do you believe that man is innately good or evil, and all his actions are determined by that hereditary predisposition? Locke's tabula rasa theory inspires such questions. His theory contradicted philosophers of his day who said that humans were instictually evil and aggressive or good and kind. Despite all the theories on Locke's ideas, what do you think about the tabula rasa? Are we born with that blank slate or instinctually good or evil? Or are we none of the above?

The Tyrannicides

In 514 BCE, the ancient Greeks Harmodius and Aristogeiton stabbed and killed the tyrant ruler of Athens, Hipparchus. (For conveinance and comedy's sake, Harmodius is now "Harm" for short and Aristogeiton is now "Arrogance"). This murder was the first recorded act of tyrannicide which made Harm and Arrogance forever a part of history.

Sure enough, Harm and Arrogance seemed to set a trend. After their famous tyrannicide and liberation of Athens, many others would follow in their example and dispose of their despot leaders. With the tyrannicide of Julius Caesar on the Ides of March, Brutus and the other Liberatores followed Harm and Arrogance into history.

But the killing of tyrants didn't stop there. Many other Roman Emperors, Medieval Kings, and modern leaders such as Abraham Lincoln and Benito Mussolini are considered the victims of tyranicide. Their infamous assasins such as John Wilkes Booth and numerous other revolutionaries are now reffered to as "Tyranicides" for their killing of tyrants. However, the great Harm and Arrogance will always be the deathless and original Tyrannicides. It seems that these two ancient Greeks really did set an unending trend. So who is next to join the dead tyrants? And who will be the next Tyrannicides?

If anyone is a fan of Edgar Allan Poe, read his superb poem of Harm and Arrogance here

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Gardner's Multiple Intelligences

In 1983, Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard University proposed his theory of multiple intelligences. His theory suggests that human intelligence is not limited to one capability as is measured on an IQ test, but in eight different ranges of potential. Gardner proposed that proof of these multiple aptitudes is found in savants. Individuals with savant syndrome often score low on intelligence tests but are geniuses in one form such as mathematical computation, musical ability, memory, drawing, etc. Furthermore, Gardner cites evidence of multiple intelligences in evolutionary adaptations. He observes that different aptitudes enabled early humans to cope with environmental challenges such as finding their way home, solving problems, and reading others' emotions. Consequently, Gardner theorized a list of these intelligences on a broad scale:

Gardner's Multiple Intelligences

Aptitude ________________ Exemplar ______________ Learning style
  1. Linguistic ____________ T.S. Eliot, poet ______________ words, textbooks
  2. Logical-Mathematical ___ Albert Einstein, scientist_________ numbers, logic
  3. Musical ____________ Johann Bach, composer ___________ music, audio
  4. Spatial ______________ Pablo Picasso, artist ___________ pictures, visual
  5. Bodily-kinesthetic _____ Martha Graham, dancer _______ physical activity, sports
  6. Intrapersonal(self) ____ Sigmund Freud, psychologist _______ self-reflection
  7. Interpersonal(others) ____ Mahatma Gandhi, leader _______ social experience
  8. Naturalist ___________ Charles Darwin, naturalist ________ activity in nature
Gardner's contemporary theory of intelligence has become quite popular. He has proposed changing the educational system to support the different learning styles of individuals with differing aptitudes. However, critics argue that intelligence is purely mental ability. Gardner counters that all forms of intelligence are pertinent and valuable, it just depends upon the societal culture that places greater value on some capabilities over others. Furthermore, Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences extends our idea of mental aptitudes. His new definition opens up the door to speculate and further our understanding about the concept of intelligence.

Malthus' Highly Recommended

Conquer Club

After extensive research, the website Conquer Club has been inducted into my "Highly Recommended". Conquer Club is a great website for the tactical strategist and is played entirely online. No downloads needed, just pure carnage on a classic Risk board. Additionally, this site provides a huge user community with over 100 maps to play on. So if you love strategy and have an extra 5 minutes in your day to play Conquer Club, I would Highly Recommend this amazing website.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio is an infamous mathematical irrational constant. Also known as the Golden Section, the Divine Proportion, or 'phi' for Phidias (the Greek sculptor), the Golden Ratio has been known for its aesthetic qualities since the time of the ancient Greeks. This number appears in the arts, architecture, music, literature, math, religion, the human body, animals, plants, space, and the entire universe in general.

This simple, small ratio is 1:1.618, however, it continues into a multitude of decimal places. Nevertheless, it was first discovered by the ancient Greeks in their study of geometry and was soon used for its beauty and balance in art and architecture. Phidias the Greek sculptor implemented the Golden Ratio into his design of the Parthenon in the 5th century BCE. The facade of the Parthenon as well as the inner temple are all made up of the Golden Ratio in the form of Golden Rectangles. In addition, the Golden Ratio is found in the structure of the Great Pyramids at Giza, the Notre Dame in Paris, the Taj Mahal, the CN Tower in Toronto, the UN Building in NY, and other uncountable marvels in the ancient and modern world. Furthermore, the Golden Ratio is prominent for it's aesthetic qualities in all artistic mediums in movements such as the Rennaissance.

As you can see, this universal Golden Ratio is found all over the place. Its even found in the human body- from the size of our arms and hands to the bones in our body. However, it doesn't just apply to people, but to everything- plants, insects, the ocean, animals, everything! It seems as if this insignificant proportion is a universal law behind the mystery of many things. But what I've shown you is only a look into the mystery that is the Golden Ratio, the "Divine Proportion." Look into it for yourself to see how truly vast this tiny little number is.