Thursday, April 23, 2009

Emperor of the Internet

Government Authorities are now proposing a security/police censoring control over the internet. Due to the amount of viral content, malware, phising, and other threats, many people now propose an "Emperor of the Internet".

Personally, I don't know what to think- there are definitely some freedom of speech rites being violated if this Emperor were to come to power and seize the throne. However, having a censor over malign content on the internet would be helpful. Nvertheless, this hypothetical emperor would be in control over the internet! The bloody internet!

Does any security force have the right to control the international internet? I'm really quite confounded by the idea of an "Emperor of the Internet". What do you think? So is it a yes(all hail the emperor), and a positive influence at that- or a no, its the end of the world as we know it?

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